Enterprise5 Biggest Project Management Trends

5 Biggest Project Management Trends

The project management field is changing quickly, and new project management trends always pop up. However, one can’t help but wonder what extreme occurrences and developments are raising the bar in this field.

The expansion of artificial intelligence and the impact of emotional intelligence are two of the five most recent project management trends. It also covers the growth of remote working, emphasis on data and analytics, and the development of hybrid project management approaches. These factors have been used to scale a business’s project management activities significantly, among others.

This post will discuss the most critical current and upcoming business trends for managing projects and project teams. Keep reading for more information on the most significant project management trends. 

What is Project Management?

The different tasks that keep a company or organization moving forward are referred to as projects. Project management encompasses all activities geared towards coordinating and completing a project promptly. It aims to meet all project objectives and ensure all company stakeholders accept them.

5 Biggest Project Management Trends

Different project management trends determine the nature of the project management industry, with some including:

1. The Expansion of Artificial Intelligence

The potential of artificial intelligence has been the subject of much discussion recently. Artificial intelligence and automation have affected project management just like every other field.

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It is now a known fact that several businesses have begun adopting AI in their project management. This technology helps with carrying out monotonous, time-consuming operations quickly and efficiently.

2. The Effects of Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence has proven to impact project development significantly. In a study, over half of those surveyed (58%) agree that emotional intelligence is a significant determinant of business success. 

You have to remember that not robots but people are working for you. Therefore, a project manager must take on the additional challenge of people management. If team members cannot communicate their feelings to one another, the outcome will be a disaster.

3. More Participation in Remote Working

The trend of professionals choosing to work from home has increased over the past several years. This development will likely continue.  

There are several advantages to managing a project remotely. Firstly, people enjoy a more accommodating work schedule; secondly, they avoid the to-and-fro work movement. Hence, building more remote working setups will lead to more project advancement.

4. Greater Emphasis on Data and Analytics

When managing a project, it’s important to keep meticulous records. Managers increasingly turn to data insights to improve project management and drive enterprise expansion.

Using extensive data analysis is constantly changing the face of project management in areas such as project planning and risk estimates. The information gathered can help with team formation, size, member inclusion, positioning, and improved project management.

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5. Development of Hybrid Project Management Approaches

It’s a fact that not all projects or the teams handling these projects are the same. For this reason, hybrid project management has become a hot topic recently. It’s all about fusing different approaches toward project management.

Hybrid project management uses the best features of traditional project management and flexible, agile methodology. It helps centralize work in progress for better-informed project decisions.


Project management encompasses several business activities, with new trends constantly arising. This post covers the top project management trends out of the many you may find to help you scale your business.

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