ECommerceHow To Budget For Digital Marketing

How To Budget For Digital Marketing

If you are preparing a financial plan for your business, you might wonder: How to budget for digital marketing? Setting an advertising budget is a difficult task for many people. Digital marketing budgets are even more challenging to manage. So, how do you budget correctly?

Typically, 7-10% of a company’s revenue goes toward marketing. You can use this general rule to avoid overspending or underspending. About half or more of the 7-10% should go to digital marketing. Most companies fail to meet this benchmark, investing only one-third of their budgets into digital marketing. But, with the Internet’s rapid growth, it is crucial to allocate sufficient funds for marketing online.

Tips On How To Budget For Digital Marketing

The following tips will help you learn how to budget for digital marketing properly.

1. Keep Track Of Costs & Revenue

You may experience a wide variation in marketing spending based on your industry. Even if you work in the same industry, your digital marketing approaches will differ based on your target audience, competitors, goals, etc. 

Depending on all of these factors, the budget has to adjust accordingly. Before you plan your marketing budget, it is crucial to evaluate the current situation. 

The better you understand your cost and revenue, the better off you will be. It will be best to plan for the future once you’ve figured out your current situation.

2. Plan Goals

Defining your goals for the upcoming year will assist you in allocating your marketing budget correctly. Do you know your key performance indicators? What is the expected number of new customers? And have you determined your target retention rate

You are responsible for answering questions such as these in your role as the leader of digital marketing activities. By setting these goals, you will not only develop a sense of meaning but will also help you raise more money.

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3. Align Your Goals With The Company’s Vision

 You must align your company’s marketing goals with its growth vision if you want your marketing to succeed. Investing in areas where your business will not advance towards its current goals is a waste of money. 

Therefore, keep your business’s overall strategy while planning your digital marketing budget. Maintaining close contact with managers and other company departments is key to achieving this. 

Doing so will help you know the company’s current situation, making setting marketing budgets much simpler.


Investing in digital marketing will help your business grow profitably and meet your marketing needs. It can be challenging to allocate funds to marketing without an established strategy. 

Setting a budget that considers your sales cycle and identifies areas of your business that require financial support is essential. Also, ensure you know your marketing plans, business goals, and the associated expenses. 

During this process, you should reflect on your past experiences and evaluate what has worked for the business. Your business will undoubtedly grow if you budget correctly. Therefore, it’s essential to learn how to budget for digital marketing.

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