LanguageEmojiWhat Does Planets Mean On Snapchat?

What Does Planets Mean On Snapchat?

If you’ve been navigating the Snapchat galaxy lately, you might have noticed these celestial bodies appearing in your friends’ profiles and wonder what does planets mean on Snapchat.

Snapchat Planets utilize an astronomical theme to represent the connections you have with your friends.

You are the Sun at the center of your own social solar system, and the planets are your friends, ranked by the frequency and type of interaction you share with them.

The closer the planet to your Sun, the more you interact with that friend on Snapchat.

This feature not only gives you insight into your social standing with others but also adds a playful element to your daily interactions.

The particular planets, from the speedy Mercury to the distant Neptune, are assigned based on who you chat with the most.

Much like the actual solar system where Mercury is the closest to the Sun, in Snapchat, your ‘Mercury’ is your top friend, and so forth.

The planets even come with emojis to add a visual flair to your virtual solar system.

With this feature, watching your friendships evolve becomes just as interesting as stargazing, shedding light on who your real Snapchat stars are.

What Does Planets Mean On Snapchat?

In the unique world of Snapchat, the Planets feature offers a whimsical way to visualize your friendships.

Represented by your personal solar system, each planet signifies the closeness of your interactions with friends.

Here’s a breakdown of what each symbol may mean for you:

Sun Symbol

The Sun represents you in the center of your Snapchat solar system.

Your presence as the vital heart of your connections is symbolized by this fiery star, and it’s around this that all your planets—your friends—orbit.

They move closer or further away based on the frequency and level of interaction you share with them.

Moon Symbol

On Snapchat, the Moon hasn’t been detailed in the search results as a distinct symbol within the Planets feature or its representation of friendships.

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It’s possible that at this time, the Moon does not play a specific role like the planetary emoji do or its meaning is not transparent to users.

Rising Sign

In astrological terms, your Rising Sign reflects how you present yourself to the world.

It is different from the Sun and Moon symbols.

However, Snapchat doesn’t appear to have directly translated this astrological concept into the Snapchat Planets.

Therefore, as far as the available information goes, a Rising Sign feature does not exist within Snapchat’s Planets interpretations.

Snapchat’s Astrological Features

Snapchat has incorporated astrological elements into its platform, giving users a unique way to connect with friends through the stars.

Your Astrological Profile on Snapchat is composed of a series of Snaps featuring ten different planets, including the Sun and Moon, each representing various aspects of your personality according to astrological beliefs.

Here’s a quick rundown of what each planet signifies:

  • Sun: Your core essence and vitality
  • Moon: Your emotional inner world
  • Mercury: Your communication style
  • Venus: Your love and social relationships
  • Mars: Your willpower and how you assert yourself
  • Jupiter: Your growth and ethical understanding
  • Saturn: Your discipline and challenges
  • Neptune: Your imagination and intuition
  • Pluto: Your transformation and power dynamics
  • Uranus: Your individuality and innovations

On Snapchat, these planets aren’t just for show.

Depending on their placement in your Astrological Profile, they can serve as conversation starters, a way to share your astrological makeup with friends, or even as playful insights into your daily life.

Additionally, Snapchat Plus users might notice the Snapchat Planets feature.

This feature involves a creative representation of your friend list in the form of a solar system.

The planets, in solar system order, correlate to your closest friends based on interactions such as Snap Streaks.

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For example, a friend represented by Mercury would be the one you interact with the most, whereas someone signified by Neptune might be a less frequent contact.

These features not only add an extra layer of interaction but also offer opportunities for self-reflection and a bit of astrological fun.

How Snapchat Planets Affect Communication

Snapchat’s Planet feature enhances how you interact with friends on the platform by visualizing your communication patterns.

Snapchat Planets

Each planet in your Snapchat solar system corresponds to a friend, with their proximity to the Sun (you) indicating the closeness of your interaction.

  • Mercury: Represents your closest friend, the person you communicate with most frequently.
    • This makes it an easy way to see who you are most engaged with.
  • Other Planets: Follow in order based on interaction frequency, with the farthest planet representing a lesser degree of communication.

By understanding this system, you can actively observe and manage how you maintain relationships on the app.

Seeing a friend represented by Mercury could encourage you to keep up the communication, while a friend drifting to an outer planet might be a sign to reach out more often.

Friend ranking changes will vary over time in response to your communication:

  • Frequent Snaps or Chats: Will move a friend closer to the Sun.
  • Reduced Interaction: Could see a friend move to a more distant orbit.

Leveraging Snapchat Planets In Marketing

Snapchat’s innovative feature, Snapchat Planets, can be a creative asset in your marketing toolbox.

With each planet representing the closeness of friendships on the platform, you can tailor your marketing strategies to tap into user relationships and enhance engagement.

Understand the Hierarchy: Pay attention to which planet your brand’s account is classified as on users’ lists.

Aim to become a ‘closer’ planet, which means becoming a more frequent interaction.

  • Increase Visibility: Mars as your goal means becoming one of a user’s top four friends.
    • Achieve this by encouraging frequent engagement through Snaps, stories, and calls-to-action.
  • Personalize Offers: Take cues from a user’s planet order to personalize promos.
    • Is your account on their Venus? Offer them second-tier deals to encourage them to bump you up to their Mercury!
Your Brand’s PlanetMarketing Approach
MercuryExclusive deals, ‘inner circle’ content
VenusEarly access offers, loyalty programs
Earth & BeyondGeneral promotions, brand awareness
  • Craft Planet-Specific Campaigns: Develop campaigns targeting users who have your brand at different planet levels.
  • Create engaging stories and incentives that encourage users to interact more with your brand, moving you closer to the ‘Sun’ position.

Key Takeaways

  • Snapchat Planets Feature: This is exclusive to Snapchat+ subscribers and provides a playful way to view your friendship dynamics within the app.
  • Solar System Layout: You are the Sun in your personal solar system.
    • Eight planets represent your closest friends based on interactions.
    • Closer planets indicate more frequent and recent interactions.
  • No Deep Meanings: This feature is intended for fun, without complex symbolism.
  • Accessing Planets:
    • Open a friend’s profile.
    • Tap the Best Friends badge.
    • See which planet you are.

These planets reflect your Snapchat engagement and can change over time.


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