Data Protection5 Employee Cybersecurity Habits That Can Compromise Your Business

5 Employee Cybersecurity Habits That Can Compromise Your Business

Even the most dependable employees can unknowingly threaten your work network security. Cybersecurity is a relatively new issue, but it’s already on the top of business network administrators’ headache list.

Whether it’s public Wi-Fi safety or bad password management, an unsuspecting employee can be the weakest link in your cybersecurity chain.

It’s always best to hire dedicated cybersecurity and risk control personnel. However, sometimes financial limitations deny such comfort, especially for new companies. On the bright side, there are straightforward steps you can take right now to protect your employees’ devices.

Below you will find the most common cybersecurity mistakes employees make.

Lousy Password Management

Over the last decade, the number of password-protected apps increased several times. Simultaneously, businesses use more applications to support their operations. Cloud storage, social network accounts, and data analytics are all protected with a password.

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However, password management remained relatively the same. People reuse the same easy-to-guess passwords for multiple accounts, putting them at risk.

For example, the Solarwind hack that affected at least 18,000 government and private organizations partly happened due to an intern using the “solarwinds123” password on an important account.

To avoid this, introduce your employees to a business password manager. It allows storing hundreds of unique and complex passwords in a secure encrypted vault. Network administrators can easily manage user permissions and monitor access privileges.

Moreover, employees only need to remember one master password that unlocks the vault. It will motivate them to create secure passwords because they don’t need to remember them by heart.

Insecure Cloud Storage

Most businesses use Cloud services for data storage. Having your own servers to store vast amounts of data is expensive. Furthermore, securing them takes time and know-how, which most businesses don’t have.

Instead, you can use business Cloud storage services to take care of these issues. For example, instead of storing purchase invoices on your or your employee’s device, upload them in an encrypted form to a secure Cloud.

Instead of attacking your devices, cybercriminals have to deal with a professional Cloud securDity system. It significantly decreases the chances of leaking confidential data.

Here’s what to look for when subscribing to a secure Cloud service:

  • They should accept files in an encrypted format and offer up-to-date encryption algorithms to secure their servers;
  • The company should have a spotless reputation without a history of data breaches;
  • Software is easy to use for everyone, especially employees that do not require extensive computer knowledge;
  • File upload/download is done adhering to proper cybersecurity standards.

There shouldn’t be any problems training your employees to use secure Cloud storage software if it meets discussed criteria.

Not Using A VPN

Virtual Private Network is the number one go-to software to secure remote access to your corporate intranet. VPNs became widely popular when employees had to switch to work-from-home policies due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

During the lockdown, hackers switched their attention to unsecured home networks. Your employee risks exposing confidential data if they don’t use a VPN while working from home. Interpol’s data reveals a worrisome increase in cyberattacks against home Internet users.

A business VPN creates an encrypted tunnel between the user’s device and your corporate network. It will protect against man-in-the-middle attacks, data espionage, and unauthorized access. Remember to configure your workplace network to accept access requests only from trusted VPN IP addresses.

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Working On Public Wi-Fi

It would be best if you were particularly mindful of your employees using public Wi-Fi for work-related activities. Public Wi-Fi networks often lack sufficient cybersecurity protocols to protect their data. It’s especially important if you have BYOD policies.

Your employees should use a VPN and an AntiVirus whenever they connect to public Wi-Fi with a work-related device. The former will ensure data safety and prevent data breaches. Meanwhile, an AntiVirus will neutralize malware infections that plague numerous Wi-Fi access points.

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Phishing Scams

According to the IBM X-Force threat intelligence report 2022, Phishing was the most common infection method in 2021.

Phishing usually happens via email. Cybercriminals forge convincing emails urging employees to click on infectious links or download malware-infested attachments. 

To minimize the risks, educate your employees on the most common Phishing techniques and email security practices. They will learn to identify infectious backlinks and fraudulent emails. Cybersecurity experts agree that professional cybersecurity training is crucial to any business security system.


The bigger your business gets, the more you have to invest in cybersecurity. However, fixing these five cybersecurity mistakes is a strong step toward online safety. Discussed software options are affordable and easy to use, making them easily available to most small and medium businesses.


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