MobileHow To Unsubscribe On YouTube 

How To Unsubscribe On YouTube 

The need to stop getting notifications from a specific channel may prompt you to learn how to unsubscribe on YouTube. Whether you’re accessing YouTube from the US, UK, or elsewhere, the process to unsubscribe is relatively straightforward. So, what is the best way to unsubscribe from a YouTube channel?

To unsubscribe from a YouTube channel, begin by signing into your YouTube account on your desired device – mobile or computer. Next, locate a video from the undesired channel, which will be on your homepage, or search for it. On the video player page, you’ll see the “UNSUBSCRIBE” button beneath the video. Click on it and look out for the notification that appears.

It takes nothing to learn how to unsubscribe on YouTube. This article will show you everything you should know and other ideas about YouTube subscriptions.

What Does Subscribing On YouTube Mean?

When you subscribe to a channel or user on YouTube, you will receive notifications whenever they upload new videos. This is one of YouTube’s greatest features as it encourages views for channels competing to monetize their videos.

If you unsubscribe from a channel, you’ll no longer receive relevant updates from that channel. YouTube will also no longer recommend videos and channels to you that are similar to that one.

Unsubscribing will also directly affect that channel’s subscriber count and could impact the creator’s earnings. This may result in the creator having the buy authentic YouTube subscribers from a credible service provider to maintain their standing.

Subscriptions also allow you to peruse the user’s actions, like videos they “favourite,” ratings, and comments they make. Every YouTube user has a “Subscribe” button next to their name, and subscribers may monitor their subscriptions in the Subscriptions Center.

If you’re logged in to YouTube with your Google Account, you’ll see a “Subscribe” button next to each user and channel. You’ll also have the option of receiving updates through email in addition to seeing them in the Subscription Center. 

If you subscribe to a user’s channel, that individual will be notified. Now that you know how to subscribe and what it implies let’s find out how to unsubscribe on YouTube.

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How To Unsubscribe On YouTube

Write a short introduction to the upcoming list of steps or various approaches.

1. Sign In

The first step is to sign in to your YouTube account. Then, following the same process, your device of choice can be a mobile phone or a computer.

2. Get A Video From The Channel

Select a video from the channel you want to unsubscribe from. In most cases, you’ll find the videos of such channels on your homepage already. If you don’t, you can simply use the search box to get a video from the undesired channel posted.

3. Use The Subscribed Button

You’ll find the subscribe button just below the video of the channel. In this case, it will not be blazing red with the word “SUBSCRIBE” on it. This is because you subscribed earlier, so you’ll instead find the button on “UNSUBSCRIBE” or “SUBSCRIBED.”

4. Click Unsubscribe

Click on the “UNSUBSCRIBE” button, and you will get a notification at the bottom of the screen that you’ve unsubscribed. You have cut ties with this channel, and you won’t be getting notifications from it again.


You’ve finally been able to break free from that channel you’re seeing as an intrusion in your YouTube account. Whatever the reason, these easy steps are the main thing you need to know about how to unsubscribe on YouTube.

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