EnterpriseThe Top Mistakes To Avoid When Planning An Event

The Top Mistakes To Avoid When Planning An Event

Planning an event can be one of the most exciting things you’ll do as a brand. Whether it’s a simple meetup or an extravagant party, you want to make sure that your event goes off without a hitch.

And while natural disasters and other freak accidents can always happen, there are plenty of mistakes that we’d all like to avoid when organizing events. So, in this blog post, we’ll show you some of our favorite tips and tricks for avoiding common event planning mistakes!

Failing To Plan

Planning is the key to success. If you don’t plan, you won’t have a good event. You need to know what you want out of your event and what resources will be needed to make it happen.

For example: If you’re planning an outdoor picnic for 100 people, there are certain things that need to be considered, such as whether there are trees nearby for shade and whether there will be any rain in the forecast (if so, bring umbrellas).

Another example: If you’re planning a wedding reception where everyone will be eating dinner at tables set up around different areas of the venue – like in front of an open band stage – then consider how much room there is between each table, so guests aren’t sitting too close together or too far apart from one another.

Not Defining The Goals of Your Event

One of the most important things you can do when organizing an event is to define the goals of your event before you start planning. What do you want to achieve? What are the outcomes that would make this event successful?

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This will help guide your decisions as you plan and execute your party, which in turn will ensure that everything goes smoothly on the day, as well as ensuring that everyone has a great time!

For example: If one of your goals is to raise money for charity, then it’s likely that some sort of auction would be appropriate – but if another goal was simply to bring people together and celebrate friendship (or whatever else), then maybe auctions aren’t necessary at all!

Not Having A Budget In Mind

You should always have a budget in mind. If you don’t, it’s easy to get carried away with spending too much on things that don’t matter and not enough on those that do.

Having a budget allows you to make decisions about how much money can be spent on different aspects of your event: food and drink, venue hire, entertainment…etc., without having to worry about whether there will be enough left over for everything else.

And if there isn’t enough? Well, then maybe we should rethink our priorities!

Budgeting also helps us stay within our means so that we don’t have any nasty surprises at the end when it comes time for payment.


Overbooking is one of the most common mistakes event planners make. When you overbook, your guests may end up having to wait in line or miss out on activities if there aren’t enough resources for them to enjoy.

It can also lead to frustration and disappointment among your guests if they’re unable to participate in something they really wanted because it’s fully booked by another person who didn’t show up!

To avoid this problem altogether, make sure you have enough staff members working at each event location during busy times (like meal times).

You may even want to consider hiring more people than usual, just in case someone calls out sick or doesn’t show up at all – and don’t forget about the people who help set up beforehand!

It’s also important that everyone knows about any changes made last minute so that no one gets left out accidentally because someone else took their spot without knowing anything about it beforehand.

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Using The Wrong Technology

If you’re planning an event, the last thing you want to do is use technology that is too complicated for your audience or incompatible with other technology.

The best way to avoid this mistake is by doing your research ahead of time and asking questions until everything feels right.

Avoid using technology that’s too complicated for your audience: Your goal should always be to make things easy for them, so they can enjoy themselves at the event.

If using certain kinds of technology will make it harder for them or slow down their experience in any way, then don’t do it!

For example, if someone who doesn’t have much experience with smartphones tries downloading an app, and it takes them hours instead of minutes because there are so many steps involved (and then maybe even crashes halfway through), they probably won’t come back next year because their first experience wasn’t great!

And if someone has never used social media before but all their friends said they needed Instagram accounts, so everyone could see pictures from last year’s party…well…we hope these people won’t actually show up either after being forced into this situation without anyone asking what THEY wanted first.”

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Not Making A Plan B For Unexpected Events

When planning an event, it’s important to make sure you have a plan B in place for unexpected events. You never know when something might go wrong or someone might not show up.

Having a backup option can save time and money if something does happen during the course of your party that isn’t on schedule.

Here are some examples of unexpected events:

  • The weather doesn’t cooperate with your plans for outdoor activities like BBQs or picnics
  • A guest gets sick at the last minute, causing them not to attend the party
  • Your guests are late because of traffic jams on their way over

There Are Many Things To Consider When Planning an Event, But You Do Not Want To Make These Common Mistakes

Make a list of things that you will need for your event, such as:

  • Budget
  • Goals
  • Technology (phones and computers)

If you have some time before the event, write down what could go wrong during the planning process and how you would deal with those issues if they occurred. Also think about how much time each task will take so that it doesn’t take up all of your day!


The most important thing is to have fun with it. It’s an event that you’re planning for yourself and your friends, so don’t stress about every little detail being perfect.

If there are things that don’t go according to plan or things you hadn’t anticipated happening, just roll with them! That’s what makes life interesting, anyway.


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