MobileThe Power Of React Native And How To Choose A React Native...

The Power Of React Native And How To Choose A React Native Development Company

React Native framework is a perfect fit if you need a mobile app that will satisfy users with various operational systems, ensuring that no one will be left without it.

It handles their native code and transfers it into JavaScript code, enabling the development using this language. Then, it is again translated to Java or Objective C, depending on the device’s operating system.

It may be a bit of a challenge to select the proper React Native development agency, as you need to count several factors: consistency with your own team, the agency’s proficiency, and your budget. Here, we’ll present you with several tips on how you can make your choice.

React Native: Your Choice For Mobile Tools

See the scheme below to understand how it works. It handles the native code and translates it, enabling you to develop on JavaScript instead.

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So, it connects the code of the application with the operational system, enabling you to build one app for two systems instead of bothering with two versions. Seems good, right? There are several weaknesses, though, and we’ll cover them shortly.

Why Should You Use It?

Before moving to the agency choice, let’s quickly review its functionality and use cases. See the table below to evaluate its pros and cons.

In most cases, it’ll be a perfect choice, but if your project will be based on modern technologies and require extensive computations, then you’d better consider other options.

Fast and cross-platform, perfectly working in most cases.Limited native functionality and some newest features may be unavailable.
Reusable code for quicker development.May be slow for complex projects, which require a lot of computations.
A large and robust community that always can help.Steep learning curve.

What Was Created With It: Use Cases

Many successful apps were created using React Native development. Let’s list some of them here:

  • Meta uses it in all its applications, which is no wonder, as it is the main benefactor of the framework.
  • Microsoft is also among the great users of the toolset. Its mobile apps, including Skype, Teams, and Office, are built with it, ensuring cross-platform functionality.
  • Uber uses it for its cab booking and delivery apps.
  • Shopify uses the framework for its mobile applications, from shops to user analytics.
  • Salesforce, another e-commerce platform for analytics, uses React Native for its mobile applications.
  • Wix, a cloud-based company, which is also focused primarily on e-commerce, uses React Native development for its services.
  • Walmart uses it for its mobile shopping app.

Here, we’ve mentioned only the largest cases from the most prominent companies. Imagine how many startups and small businesses use the framework each day to build their products. 

The official website reveals many various use cases that show how React Native can be helpful in mobile development, and you can also add your case here after the development! Chances are that your app will be included in the curated list as well. 

How To Choose A Developer: A Serious Question

So, finally, let’s try to answer the question of how to choose a developer.

See below the scheme of how your team will look to comprehend how you need to organize it. Marketers, testing specialists, developers, designers, and a visionary project manager are crucial compounds. Based on this, you need to establish and maintain a successful team collaboration with the chosen agency.

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First of all, let’s see which factors and qualities you should consider when selecting.

💡 Expertise Is Crucial

So look for agencies with proven experience in React Native development. The best option would be to select those of them who specialize in the framework.

Specific qualities are a deep understanding of its structure and the knowledge of various development practices. Ask some questions based on what you know about the framework, reading its guidelines before that. It’ll give you an understanding of what to wait from this company.

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🎒 Portfolio

Will allow you to evaluate their skills and comprehend the quality of their work. Design, performance, and user experience are the best metrics for this. Ask them for the apps they’ve developed, download them, and see how they work!

🛠️ Technical Proficiency

In mobile project building, JavaScript, CSS, and languages used for mobile development is crucial, too. Without that, the app will barely be reliable, even if they know the essentials. It’s not enough, as the main task is to make all of this work properly.

💬 Communication And Collaboration Are Critical Here

You need to connect various team members and integrate the agency into it. Ensure that you have good communication and connection, mutual understanding, and a similar vision of the situation and problems, and the agency will be in touch with you. Ask them questions and describe your project: their answers will show you whether it will be the case.

🐞 Problem-solving Skills

Include working with issues that inevitably arise during the development process, identifying errors, and optimizing performance during countless tests. Ask them about it and provide several examples of how your app may misbehave, if possible.

🖼️ Orientation On Users And Design

A good React Native development company should understand how apps’ users will interact with the app. Its specialists would transfer the idea and prototype into an appealing and reliable interface, which will implement the idea in the best way to solve people’s needs.

📋 Project management

Skills include the ability to set deadlines and organize the working schedule in the most efficient way for people and resources.

It’s hard to evaluate at once, but you can see whether they are organized and detail-oriented from the very beginning, and it’ll bring you an understanding.

💰 Cost And Budget

Consider how the developer evaluates its services and how it aligns with your evaluation. Prioritize quality, but be sure to understand whether the price is fair and what influences it. Remember that, for example, an American developer will be much more expensive than an Indian one.

🚀 Availability And Support

After the launch to ensure that the developer will not leave your team after your app enters the market. Remember that there’s no end in the development of a good application and your app will require maintenance. A good software company will assist you with that, so be sure to discuss it at the beginning!

✍️ Lastly, reviews and recommendations

Can orient you in how they manage to work with other people. Search for reviews on various websites, ask people who’re described as their customers about their experience, and use this material to evaluate the company.


We encourage you to conduct your own research to choose the best-suited developer. Try to base it on the points we’ve presented.

The agency should support your project after the launch and integrate seamlessly with your team. The expertise, portfolio, and user reviews are also crucial. If you ask the right questions at the beginning of your contact, your success will be ensured!


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